
満席につき受付終了しました【会員企業限定】ライデン大学 Japan Company Day 参加企業募集

JCCでは昨年同様、オランダ最大の日本学科を有するライデン大学、同学科を中心とする学生グループ「TANUKI」と日系企業との交流会「Japan Company Day」を以下の要領で開催いたします。JCCでは参加日系企業の募集、当日の運営協力、などのお手伝いをさせていただいております。昨年の様子は昨年の報告(かわら版掲載)を御覧ください

■日時:2019年3月21日(木)10:00 - 17:00 (大学側が準備中のプログラム素案はこのメールの下に添付しております。ご一読ください。)
■主催者 ライデン大学、ライデン大学日本学科学生グループ「TANUKI」 後援:日本大使館
■募集企業数:午前の部(10時~13時) 4社、午後の部(14時~17時) 4社 計8社
■場所:Oude Sterrewacht Sterrenwachtlaan 11 2311 GW Leiden
■お問い合わせはJCC事務局 鈴木まで(TEL:020 662 1457)

〇 この交流会へ参加頂ける会員企業様は、3月8日(金)必着にて、お申し込み下さい。 また、その際に、見込みで結構ですので、何人ご参加頂けるか、出来れば参加者のプロフィール(人事担当、ライデン大学OB/OGなども)も併せてご連絡頂けると幸いです。参加確定の際は会社概要等を1~2ページにて事前に提出お願いする予定です。当日はインターンシップ・就職の質問も寄せられるかもしれません。人事担当者、同大学OB/OGがご参加頂けるとよりよろしいと思います。 詳細は主催者のライデン大学学生グループが用意された当日のスケジュール(以下添付、素案)を御覧ください。

〇 なお参加企業数が限られておりますので、多数ご応募いただきました際は、主催者、およびJCCで参加企業業種などのバランスを考慮の上、調整させていただきます事、ご了承いただければと存じます



Day/Time Activity Content Speaker
10:00-10:15 Opening The embassy told us it is possible to ask the ambassador to open the event, if it fits his schedule tba
10:20-10:35 Speech about the important relation between Japan and the Netherlands from an academic perspective Welcoming word about Japanstudies at Leiden University. Show the students how important the bonds between Japan and the Netherlands are from the viewpoint of an academic, as well as informing students of the possibilities of a career in academia. Prof. dr. I.B. Smits, head of Japanstudies at Leiden University (confirmed)
10:40-11:10 Workshop: Japanese business etiquette It is important to give an overview of the most important etiquettes that are used in the Japanese business world. For example: how do you hold your meishi? tbd
11:15 12:15 First presentation round Presentation should be around 30 minutes. After that there will be around 15 minutes for questions from the students. We calculated 15 minutes for the time needed to go to the designated classroom. Representatives of different companies/organizations
12:15 13:00 Speed date round Because students are only allowed to attend one presentation based on the preference they filled out on our website, we offer this chance to also talk with the other remaining companies. Each round will be around 7 minutes. Representatives of different companies/organizations
13:00 14:00 Lunch Lunch will be served. This is also the moment where the companies for the second session will arrive, as well as the students who will only be participating in the afternoon session. They are all welcome to join the lunch.
14:05 -14:20 Speech about business relations between Japan and the Netherlands It is important to show the importance of the business relations between Japan and the Netherlands. Our speaker will talk about these relations, as well as his personal experience in the business world. tbd
14:25-15:25 Second presentation Presentation should be around 30 minutes. After that there will be around 15 minutes for questions from the students. We calculated 15 minutes for the time needed to go to the designated classroom. Representatives of different companies/organizations
15:30 -16:15 Speed date Because students are only allowed to attend one presentation based on the preference they filled out on our website. This is the chance to also talk to the other remaining companies.
Each speed date will be around 7 minutes.
Representatives of different companies/organizations