
JCC/JETRO/Loyens&Loeff法律事務所共催 VAT(付加価値税)の現状とCustom(税関手続)に関するウェビナー


この度JCCではJETROアムステルダム事務所、Loyens & Loeff法律事務所から全面的なご協力をいただき、“VAT(付加価値税)の現状とCustom(税関手続)に関するウェビナー”を以下の通り開催いたします。



税関手続きは従来から価格査定、原産地証明、輸出者の定義やEU デュアルユース・ライセンスなど内容が複雑ですが、すぐそこに迫る英国のEU離脱はさらに今後の輸出入に多大な影響を及ぼすと予想します。



ウェビナー内容に関連するご質問を事前にLoyens & Loeff 社のご担当者、花城様へメイルにて 直接お送りください。可能な範囲でウェビナー中にご回答いただきます。 時間の関係で回答しきれない場合は後日メイルなどでLoyens & Loeff 法律事務所より個別にご回答いただけるとのことです。

JCC, JETRO, Loyens & Loeff 法律事務所 共催ウェビナー

  • 開催期間: 10月8日(木)午後14:00- 16:00(オランダ時間)
  • 開催方法: ウェビナー
  • 申し込み締め切り:10月5日(月)
  • 参加費:無料



  • 14:00-14:10 JCC/JETRO/ Loyens & Loeff 開会挨拶
  • 14:10-14:50 クロスボーダー取引でのVAT % 適用条件、およびクロスボーダー・チェーン取引の際のVATの考え方

スピーカー: VATチーム、 Carolijne Koornstra-Sturm、Serieke Schellingerhout

  • 14:50-15:00 日本語サマリー
  • 15:00-15:40 EU税関手続きの義務と注意点

スピーカー: カスタム専門, Emma van Doornik、Bruce van Schaik

  • 15:40-15:50 日本語サマリー
  • 15:50-16:00 質疑応答


事前質問の送付先:ロイエンス&ルフ ジャパンデスク 花城奈緒様

電話:+31 (0) 6 53 42 69 77、メイル




English Invitation


JCC, JETRO, Loyens & Loeff joint webinar

“Current state of indirect tax and custom regulations”


When engaged in international trade, either as trading company, intermediary company or logistic service provider, VAT and customs are important topics.

Although VAT for such companies should not be an actual cost, incorrect VAT treatment of cross-border trade and/or incorrect VAT compliance can have a significant budgetary impact. In the first session of the webinar, indirect tax specialists of Loyens & Loeff will elaborate on the current general VAT rules relevant for cross border trade within the EU. More specifically the following topics will be discussed:

  • Requirements for application of VAT rate of 0% for cross-border trade;
  • VAT treatment of cross-border chain transactions.

Furthermore, you will be updated on the proposed changes to the EU’s VAT system, which will drastically change the VAT treatment of future cross-border trade within the EU. The new VAT system aims to (i) minimize VAT fraud in cross-border trade and (ii) make life simpler for companies doing business in the EU’s single market.

In the second session of the webinar, customs specialists of Loyens & Loeff will elaborate on important EU customs formalities and obligations. Customs can be quite complex without guidance. Companies involved in import and export are confronted with complex topics such as customs valuation and origin determination, but also with formalities concerning the definition of exporter and dual use licensing. Next to that, Brexit, the biggest upcoming change in the field of customs, is rapidly approaching. With the United Kingdom leaving the EU, the trade between the two will be significantly affected from a customs point of view. The aim of the session is to raise awareness and help companies to identify potential customs issues. During the session, we will go into EU customs formalities and supply-chain management with a special focus on Brexit because not being compliant can have serious budgetary impact on trading companies.


We believe that via this webinar, companies who have trading activities will have a clear overview of VAT and customs and will be able to prepare for the upcoming changes.


Any detailed questions can be upfront sent to below contact person; we will try to answer as many questions as possible. The questions cannot be answered during the webinar, we will send our response by separate email after the webinar.


Date/ Time: Thursday, October 8 from 14:00- 16:00

Registration deadline: Monday, October 5, 2020

Admission: free of charge



  • 14:00-14:10 Opening by JCC/JETRO/Loyens & Loeff
  • 14:10-14:50   VAT treatment of cross-border chain transactions and requirements for application of VAT rate of 0%

Speaker: VAT team, Carolijne Koornstra-Sturm、Serieke Schellingerhout

  • 14:50-15:00 Japanese summary
  • 15:00-15:40     EU customs formalities and obligations

Speaker: Custom team, Emma van Doornik 、Bruce van Schaik

  • 15:40-15:50 Japanese summary
  • 15:50-16:00 Q&A


Send the question before the webinar to  Ms Nao Hanashiro

LOYENS & LOEFF N.V. Japan Desk,  (TEL : +31 (0) 6 53 42 69 77, Email